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A leader's vices can reveal deep temperament flaws

Obama still sneaks cigarettes.Gordon brown has a mean poise.Surgeon general regina benjamin challenges with her weight.At what point do a leader's personal vices begin to undermine capability?Is it better to hide them or do not fight them?

This question introduces a deeper issue:The inferences we can make about the true nature of a leader based on the discrepancy between who they state and how they truly act.

We've learned during few decades to decode the deeper truth of a leader's nature by looking at some of the surface clues.Take an elected official who urges us all to train more discipline in our lives, to be subdued in our habits and then falls prey to addictive pain pills.The pain pills aren't the situation;It's the disparity between the advice and the vice.

Or take a leader who's grotesquely excess weight, can't rein in his own appetites, and yet who encourages the voting public to adopt measures that want self sacrifice and self control.When the moment, being over weight isn't a vice the issue is the deep discrepancy between what the leader advocates and what the leader does.

Another example of this:A leader who advertisments as a champion of the poor, the within trodden, the poverty stricken but is seen in public paying narcissistic in order to his own grooming, the richness of his collection, the run information of his Lacoste cheap uk personal appearance.Alarm bells might sound again, not due to there being anything automatically wrong with wanting to look good in public, but due to there being such a discordant note struck between espoused values and everyday behavior.

The examples continue:A world champion golfer who is so manipulated in public, so unflinching pressurized, you will naturally believe that something turbulent is going on under the surface;An elected official who is so fixated on seeking out gays and persecuting them, it comes as no shock to learn that he himself has a powerful irresistible to pages under his supervision.

And it's not even a new means: "Yon cassius has a lean and ravenous look, really, wasn't a touch upon cassius' need for a high protein snack at the roman senate cafeteria.The offer was that cassius' appetites ran more toward power than food.And julius wasn't offering uncle brutus a second helping on figs when he said,"Et tu, brutus,

So pay less towards the vice as vice, and more attention to the disparity between who a leader pretends to be and what the behavioral clues tell you they will really are in real life.Special, no one can be as pure as caesar's wife.

Our discomfort with so called leaders' hypocrisy is not a symptom of a problem with them;It is a symptom of a problem with us specifically, our media bred what you had envisioned of them.Polititicans are pastimes entered a profession in which they must play the part of a hero/philosopher/all around great guy and fool enough people in that role to win popularity contests(Elections)Every several years.It's a sure fire self selection formula for narcissists and hypocrites, and we really surprised to find that the formula works.

So called leaders in other regions may not stand for election, but they must play the same role with the media and public to stay in their favored positions.

We should ask ourselves why we assume that a man who drives straight on the green must be playing straight with his wife, or even more, why our nation let it bother us if he doesn't.

But i don't expect this to occur, because it's so much easier to blame our 'leaders' for their failures than to wonder if we should have such an emotional investment in Burberry Shoes their purity.

Maybe the isn't that celebrities, political figures, named 'leaders', and so.Be less than perfect of perfection.Maybe help that we expect them not to.

I thought that leadership was to be measured in terms of vision and competent policy design and launch.This style of"Ethnical, psychological sociological, or whatever approach to leadership may be valuable in religious web based.Mother and father, then again, help you assess the qualities linked to the cooperation, even among inconsistent groups, expected to achieve a relevant political, social or industrial goal.

Sorry for being much older than you are and for having studied latin using this method.The proper sentence is:Et tu, incredible?Julius caesar could have used a vocative case(In your home nominative, reserved for a noun when it is the main topic of a verb).And he would have done it with the estimated correctness.Not surprisingly, Uk lacoste cheap he just didn't write de bello gallico in vain.Each person has a gap between their public image and their reality.Psychiatrists call it the"Identity"And it's a normal part of being human.Now you ask when that gap is relevant to their leadership.

I'm in awe of the intolerant right wing responses which underscore their own validity gap they didn't care about w and cheney et al being lying, money grabbing, grafting, damaged crooks.They haven't thought about the massive republican deficit spending 1981 1993 and 2001 2008.Maybe employed read jesus's advice about specks and planks.And he is now making a gift of billions through bill and melinda gates foundation.And melinda gates is a fantastic example.Unlike part of the rich(They like to buy outrageous jewelry and spend their time at hollywood parties, consuming alcohol thousand dollar bottles of alcohol), She convinced her husband to go to Africa and learn what they're able to do to help that continent.

Fdr was a chain smoker who enjoyed his daily toxic combination hour(He pretty enjoyed martinis), While Americans were struggling to feed their own families and find jobs, Maqui berry farmers endured the dust bowl, And lots of became migrants to the west coast.I guess he require sworn off cigarettes and booze, and gone on the market with the"Oakies"To be individual.Should i also point out that fdr left eleanor to bum on a sailboat(Very with a mistress)Before he was chosen presidents?

Thomas jefferson was a slaveowner who is suspected of fathering offspring and among his female slaves.I guess he shouldn't have been chosen to write the commitment of independence.

Benjamin franklin as ambassador to Lacoste uk discount france during the trend, was talked about as a"The women man"At in france they court.I supposed that we should ignore his additions as one of the founding fathers based on his personal indiscretions.

Alexander hamilton as treasury secretary overstepped his powers by personally waging war on western california farmers who resisted the whiskey tax, was an ally of new york financiers looking to make big money by buying up new war debt, yet he left a legacy to our country that is still significant.Loan:Our esteemed first chief executive, george buenos aires, was an absentee landlord of many of the pa farmers that hamilton wanted to subdue.

Individuals are noT inherenTly morally or inTellecTually consisTenT,(Specially in The moral sense).Those individuals ThaT have quesTionable personal characTerisTics ofTen rise above moral indiscreTions and achieve greaT Things in spiTe of personal"CarToon elemenT flaws, Their acTiviTy caused The deaTh of 4, 000+ american miliTary services.Because his dad losT The spoliTical elecTion based on"IT will be The economy sTupid" "T"Allowed the fed to print money and keep prices of interest low the prime cause of the housing bubble.We've seen no great outcry from the right over this.Within the other hand, the right finds betrayal and evil in obama's inability to quit smoking and they see no problem or silly in their beliefs/analysis.And people wonder why the us is going the tubes.I additionally wouldn't.It is occurring because the right in its narrow minded bias must make the left evil to mask the wrongs of the right.Typically, the ideal is silly and this is silly season.

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